21/01147 - IT Infrastructure Framework Agreement for Nordic RSC

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Nordic RSC (Regional Security Coordinator) is a joint office owned by Energinet, Fingrid, Svenska Kraftnät and Statnett with the purpose of delivering operational coordination in the Nordic electricity system. Energinet is empowered by the TSOs to conduct the tendering process. The role of the Nordic RSC within the agreed different services is to provide coordination services for the secure operation of the European transmission system, to build consistent regional data, to perform analyses, making recommendations and otherwise support harmonizing of operational procedures and standards, assisting the Parties to maintain security of supply. The Nordic RSC needs to deliver the following five essential coordination functions: 1. Coordinated Security Analysis (including remedial action-related analysis), 2. Short and Medium Term Adequacy Forecasts, 3. Coordinated Capacity Calculations, 4. Outage Planning Coordination, and 5. Individual Grid Model/Common Grid Model Delivery Currently, Energinet is appointed as the hosting TSO for the Nordic RSC, thus Energinet is also responsible for providing server capacity and other IT tools for the Nordic RSC’s current business functions and future functions as defined by the ENTSO-E rules. In this context, Energinet requires an IT infrastructure Framework Agreement covering IT operations for primarily involved IT systems, but also other systems used by Nordic RSC e.g. administrative IT systems. Selected IT systems ranging from systems which are business critical, systems containing security sensitive data to systems which are neither business critical nor handle any security sensitive data. The overall target of this procurement is to ensure high quality and reliability in the daily operation of the common Nordic RSC/TSO business process and to provide common basis for the business and support for the existing business processes and any additional business processes which may be defined by the TSOs or Nordic RSC.

07-05-2021 12:00:00

72000000-5  It-tjenester: rådgivning, programmeludvikling, internet og support
72100000-6  Konsulentvirksomhed vedrørende maskinel
72110000-9  Konsulentvirksomhed vedrørende valg af maskinel
72120000-2  Konsulentvirksomhed vedrørende retablering i tilfælde af maskinelkatastrofer
72130000-5  Konsulentvirksomhed vedrørende planlægning af databehandlingsanlæg
72140000-8  Konsulentvirksomhed vedrørende leveranceprøvning af maskinel
72150000-1  Konsulentvirksomhed vedrørende edb-revision og maskinel
72220000-3  Konsulentvirksomhed i forbindelse med systemer og teknik
72240000-9  Systemanalyse og programmering
72250000-2  System- og supporttjenester
72251000-9  Retablering efter katastrofe
72252000-6  Edb-arkivering
72253000-3  Help-desk og støttetjenester
72253100-4  Help-desk-tjenester
72253200-5  Systemsupport
72254000-0  Programmeltestning
72254100-1  Systemafprøvning
72260000-5  Programmelrelaterede tjenester
72263000-6  Implementering af programmel
72300000-8  Datatjenester
72310000-1  Databehandling
72315200-8  Drift af datanetværk
72317000-0  Datalagring
72318000-7  Datatransmission
72400000-4  Internettjenester
72410000-7  Udbydertjenester
72500000-0  Servicevirksomhed i forbindelse med datamater
72510000-3  Servicevirksomhed i forbindelse med drift af datamater
72540000-2  Tjenesteydelser i forbindelse med opgradering af datamater
72590000-7  Professionel servicevirksomhed i forbindelse med edb
72600000-6  Support- og konsulentvirksomhed i forbindelse med edb
72611000-6  Teknisk support i forbindelse med datamater
72700000-7  Datamatnetværkstjenester
72900000-9  Computer backup og katalogkonvertering
72910000-2  Backup-service

Tonne Kjærsvej 65
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Kirsten Ebstrup

IT Infrastructure Framework Agreement for Nordic RSC
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