Purpose/Objective The objectives of this baseline consultancy are to create an extensive baseline dataset that reflects the current status of the project’s relevant parameters, outcomes, and indicators. This baseline survey will cover all project sectors, including humanitarian assistance, agriculture and environment, water, sanitation and hygiene, and economic development, in the targeted areas. The specific objectives of the baseline study are the following: • Evaluate the existing rangeland and agricultural management practices within the targeted communities. • Assess the level of awareness and adoption of climate-smart agriculture and water management. • Collect demographic information and the socioeconomic status of the communities to understand their resilience capacity. • Engage the community in a participatory manner to understand their perspectives, priorities, and needs concerning climate resilience, food security, and water availability. • Assess the level of community involvement and participation in current and previous initiatives related to climate resilience and food security. • Establish benchmarks against which project progress and impact can be evaluated over time. • Evaluate the existing approach to Prosopis management and utilization, focusing on regulatory compliance and implemented measures. • Explore technological capabilities for high-quality Prosopis charcoal and fodder production, among other uses, by examining eco-friendly attributes. • Assess the functionality of current markets for Prosopis charcoal, fodder,etc., aiming to understand utilization patterns and demands. • Assess the overall financial and legal viability of Prosopis charcoal and fodder production in Burao, encompassing establishment costs, operational expenses, market demand, potential revenue streams, resource availability, and a thorough profitability analysis. • Formulate recommendations regarding the feasibility – both practical and legal – of planned Prosopis charcoa
13.01.2024 23:59:00
73000000-2 Research and development services and related consultancy services
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Welthungerhilfe Somalia
Notice | Date of dispatch |
Contract Notice (This site) | 28.12.2023 16:01 |
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V. is one of the largest non-profit, non-partisan and non-denominational organizations in the field of worldwide development cooperation and humanitarian assistance. We finance our work in Africa, Asia and Latin America with donations from the population at large. We also receive funds from various institutional donors such as the German Federal Government, the European Union, the United Nations and others.